The UK is heading for a general election on 12 December and as expected, numerous polls are coming in trying to predict how the country will vote and what the next parliament will look like.
Leaving Brexit and other issues aside if we simply look at the Jewish community and the issue of anti-Semitism we see that Labour is deeply unpopular in the Jewish community. Labour is often referred to as the “natural home” for the Jewish community, but latest polls show that 93% of the British Jewish population will not be voting for Corbyn’s Labour party.
Another poll in the Jewish News, conducted by the Jewish Leadership Council, shows that amongst the Jewish community, 64% say they will be voting Conservative, 24% will be voting Liberal Democrat and just 6% will be voting for Labour.
Additionally, nearly 40 per cent of British Jews would “seriously consider emigrating” if Jeremy Corbyn became Prime Minister.
British Jews between 35-54 are most concerned about the prospect of a Labour government under Mr Corbyn with over half saying emigration is a serious consideration.
And amongst Jewish women, fear of the impact of Mr Corbyn becoming PM is so great that over 44 per cent say they would give serious thought to leaving the country.
51.77 per cent of British Jews said they would not seriously consider leaving, with a further 9.7 per cent saying they do not know.
The results, in the latest survey of British Jews carried out for the JC by polling company Survation, support claims made by the former Chief Rabbi Lord Sacks at the weekend that the Labour leader is contributing to Jews openly questioning whether Britain is still a safe place to raise their children.
Last week a poll conducted by the Jewish Chronicle revealed that 78% of British Jews would prefer a “No Deal” Brexit over a Corbyn-led government.
No matter the poll you look at, the Jewish community in Britain is very concerned with Corbyn’s Labour and the hard-left shift the party has taken under his leadership. The party has become ardently anti-Israel, its membership is hostile to Zionists and the character of the party has changed dramatically in the past few years.
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