Voices of the Holocaust is a dedicated resource to enable small groups to hold an experience to remember the Holocaust. The material, produced by CUFI UK, uses powerful first-hand accounts to help remember the victims and learn from the atrocities. 

How it works

The leader uses a leader’s script to narrate the evening, introducing participants in sequence to read one of the first-person testimonies, called ‘voices’. These voices are provided as a script for each member of the group (although this is not acting). The leader’s script also includes advice to help initiate conversation and helpful notes about each voice.

Beginning with Kristallnacht in 1938, we hear the moving witness account of a Jewish journalist; progressing through the Holocaust, we hear voices of Christians who helped the Jews and those who shamefully looked away. We hear the voice of a hidden child, a boy arriving at Auschwitz, a girl surviving Dr Mengele, a German witnessing the Nazi crimes as well as other voices, before lighting a candle to solemnly remember the victims. 

Then, we hear the voices of liberation, the voices of those who survived; the voice of a ship passenger arriving on the shores of the Land of Israel after sustaining such hardship. These voices are followed by the warnings of survivors who lived through the Holocaust and are warning of antisemitism today. 

Voices of the Holocaust is powerful. It is unforgettable. As you hear the first-person account read audibly in the room, it cuts deep. And those who hear will resolve to be a voice in the future by not remaining silent in the face of evil.

A candle of remembrance is recommended. 

See our ‘Never Again’ candle for Holocaust remembrance available at the CUFI Store. And by purchasing a candle, you are helping support the work of CUFI to be an effective voice against antisemitism in the UK.

Testimonies of those who have experienced Voices of the Holocaust

“Voices of the Holocaust helped me connect with the victims of the Holocaust in a real and powerful way. I feel like I have a better understanding of the antisemitic evils of the past and gained insight into why Christians especially must stand with the Jewish people and Israel today.”

“Voices of the Holocaust is an incredible and powerful experience; very moving but also very motivational. To be one of the ‘voices’ of someone who experienced the Holocaust took me into their world and brought them into mine and was deeply convicting of my need as a Christian to continue to be their voice today.”

Voices of the Holocaust is inspired by the idea of Israel’s practice of Zikaron Basalon, which is Hebrew for ‘Memory in the Living Room’. It is a gathering of friends and invited guests to hear the testimony from a Holocaust survivor followed by group conversation. Voices of the Holocaust is similar, except we hear the Holocaust testimonies through our own voices.


How many people do I need? 
There is no minimum and no maximum. There are 15 readings (voices), but participants in smaller groups can read more than once.

Is this age appropriate for children?
This is not suitable for young children. However, we recommend 13+. Discretion is needed.

Where should it take place?
A close intimate setting like a living-room is best, but if holding in a church building, place chairs in a circle. More helpful advice can be found in the Leader’s Guide.

How much does it cost?
CUFI is providing Voices of the Holocaust for free and it is available to receive physically by post or to receive electronically by email (an optional ‘Never Again’ candle is available from the CUFI UK store). However, CUFI is dependent upon donations to sustain our work. Please consider donating at www.cufi.org.uk/donate