17,902 signed so far
Updated 24 Aug 20
Started 2 Aug 18
A declaration in solidarity with the UK Jewish community
Please sign below.
As Christians,
We condemn anti-Semitism in the strongest possible terms
We condemn all forms of anti-Semitism and will not tolerate its existence in any sphere of our society. For the safety and security of the Jewish community and for the future of our country, we will not be silent.
We stand with the Jewish people in the fight against anti-Semitism
We commit to support our Jewish brothers and sisters and do all we can to root out the evil of anti-Semitism from our nation. We will not allow the Jewish community to stand alone.
We call for tougher action towards anti-Semitism within the Labour Party
We are appalled that anti-Semitism exists and is allowed to thrive within the Labour Party and strongly oppose how cases have been handled by the current Labour leadership. We call upon the Labour Leadership to urgently address these concerns. We also give our full support to those Jewish MPs within Labour who have been subjected to harassment and intimidation amid this crisis.*
*This declaration previously called for the Labour Party to adopt the IHRA definition, which it finally did in September 2018, however it must be honoured.
We agree with the International Definition of Anti-Semitism
We stand with the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) definition of anti-Semitism and all its stated examples should be accepted by the Labour Party in its entirety, having been adopted by the government and over 130 local councils, and importantly accepted by the Jewish community as a satisfactory definition of Jew-hatred.
We commit to lead by example
A hatred for the Jewish people and the Jewish State, Israel, is in direct conflict with the Bible and is inconsistent with the very basis of our Christian faith. Whilst recognising that the church hasn’t always been faithful to the Jewish people, we affirm that true Christians love the Jewish people and condemn the evil of anti-Semitism. As a demonstration of our support for the Jewish community in the UK, we call upon other institutions, including church denominations and affiliations, to adopt the IHRA definition and all its examples.**
** We welcome that the Church of England has officially adopted the IHRA definition of anti-Semitism following calls from CUFI
Who will the declaration be presented to?
The declaration will be presented to representative bodies of the Jewish community as well as groups implicated by the statement, such as the Labour leadership and leaders of church denominations.
What information is shared?
Personal contact information (i.e. address and email, etc) is NEVER shared with third parties. The number of people signed will be presented, and if necessary in some cases, very limited information (i.e. your name and region). By signing this declaration you are giving your consent to it being presented. See www.cufi.org.uk/privacy-notice
What if I am not a Christian?
Everyone is welcome to sign this declaration. However, unlike most of our campaigns that are non-specific, this campaign has been deliberately worded in a way that enables Christians to send a message to the Jewish people.