The Dutch government is threatening to fine a store for selling wine labelled as being “Made in Israel”.
The wine in question was produced by Israelis in Hebron.
To be clear, Hebron is located in the Judean mountains inside Judea, the place the Jewish people derive their name from. The Tomb of the Patriarchs is located in Hebron and is the resting place for Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. It was bought by Abraham as documented in the Bible account of Genesis 23. As we know, the land of Israel was given to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and to their descendants by God as an eternal inheritance. Hebron is the second most holy site for the Jewish people, second to the Temple Mount.
There is no way that the European Union should be punishing Jewish people and businesses for producing wine in their homeland. This is discrimination against Jews of the highest order.
JPost reports:
Dutch government inspectors said they would fine a store selling wine from the West Bank city of Hebron that is labelled as made in Israel.
The warning came during a July 10 inspection of the Israel Products Center, an importer and retail outfit run by the pro-Israel group Christians for Israel.
In a statement, the centre said that two agents from the Netherlands Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority did not confiscate any products but warned that the centre could face fines for violating labelling requirements. The centre said it would not comply.
In 2015, the European Commission adopted regulations barring the labelling of products from areas it considers occupied by Israel as made in Israel, a decision it described as driven by a desire to give shoppers accurate information about product provenance.
The regulations are binding, but the European Commission has limited recourse against violators. The Dutch government has so far not fined anyone for labelling violations.
Dutch Chief Rabbi Binyomin Jacobs accused the ministry of pursuing a double standard.“Why inspect Israeli products but none from China, which occupies Tibet, or goods from Morocco, which occupies Western Sahara, or Turkey (northern Cyprus), Russia (Crimea)?” Jacobs said in a statement.
Source: JPost
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