The Trump administration declared its firm support Thursday for the Taylor Force Act, a bill that would suspend US financial assistance to the Palestinian Authority until it ends its long-standing practice of rewarding Palestinians terrorists for murdering civilians. A practice the Mahmoud Abbas refuses to stop.
“The Trump administration strongly supports the Taylor Force Act, which is a consequence of Palestinian Authority and Palestine Liberation Organization’s policy of paying terrorists and their families,” the State Department said.
Adding that President Donald Trump “raised the need to end any part of this program that incentivizes violence against Israeli and American citizens with President Mahmoud Abbas last May in both Washington and Bethlehem.”
The State Department announcement comes nearly six weeks after the Senate Foreign Relations Committee backed the measure. The legislation, which is named after an American who was stabbed to death in Israel by a Palestinian, reflects bipartisan outrage over what lawmakers have termed a “pay to slay” program endorsed by the Palestinian Authority. It is also proven than this policy motivates terrorists to carry out attacks.
Christians United for Israel is leading the charge to have the Taylor Force Act passed in the House of Representatives and the US Senate. In July, more than 5,000 CUFI members went to Washington DC to meet with state representatives and urged them to pass the bill.
Last week CUFI Action Fund’s Gary Bauer said “the Taylor Force Act is a top legislative priority of Christians United For Israel Action Fund. The legislation would cut off U.S. tax dollars to the Palestinian Authority so long as it continues subsidizing terrorism against innocent Israelis.”
“Sadly, many Americans don’t realize that their hard-earned tax dollars are supporting this repulsive policy. How can the Palestinian Authority be a serious partner for peace while it is paying stipends to terrorists and encouraging acts of violence?”