This week Pastor John Hagee, the founder of Christians United for Israel, was in Washington DC and was among Christian Evangelical leaders who met with Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and was an invited guest at his speech in Congress.
Pastor John Hagee said:
I was honoured to be one of Prime Minister Netanyahu’s guests during his strong, forward-looking, war-time address before both chambers of the United States Congress. Likewise, I was privileged to meet with the Prime Minister yesterday at which time he conveyed his heartfelt thanks to CUFI.
The Prime Minister’s remarks before Congress made clear that Israel will never bend the knee to Hamas, Hezbollah, or any of Tehran’s terrorists. And he was unequivocal in his message that Jerusalem will never leave her hostages to die or her people in harm’s way.
“In Israel ‘never again’ must never be an empty promise. It must always remain a sacred vow. And after Oct. 7, ‘never again’ is now,” he said.
The Prime Minister’s historic speech comes just days before thousands of CUFI members will gather in Washington to stand with Israel and against the antisemitism that has hijacked our college campuses and swept across our nation.
Some Members of Congress will refuse to meet with their Christian Zionist constituents, and some refused to sit and listen to the Prime Minister’s words. But we are undeterred.
We know well that the Guardian of Israel neither slumbers nor sleeps. And with His Divine Favor, thousands are joining us next week in Washington and millions more are acting and praying for Israel.Make no mistake, as Israel fights for her survival, the thunderous voice of American Christian Zionism will be heard in our nation’s capital, regardless of who refuses to listen.
– Pastor John Hagee