“Christians United for Israel is at war with anti-Semitism,” Pastor Hagee declared at the Washington Summit 2018. “Anti-Semitism is not a Jewish problem, it is everybody’s problem.”

“You often hear the phrase ‘Christian anti-Semitism’, there is no such thing as Christian anti-Semitism”. Pastor Hagee explains how “Christianity is driven by the law of love. That’s the law of God. The Bible says that sweet and bitter water does not flow from the same fountain.”

“So stop using the phrase Christian anti-Semitism”, he urged the audience, “call them pagan, call them secularists, call them anything – they’re not Christians. It is not possible to say ‘I am a Christian’ and not love the Jewish people”.

Instead, Christians are called to bless the Jewish people. “Jesus said, ‘in as much as you have done it unto the least of these my brethren, you have done it unto me'”, he said, explaining that the “my brethren” in that phrase refers to the Jewish people. “Remember Judaism does not need Christianity to explain its existence, but Christianity cannot explain its existence without Judaism”.

The Bible truth is that Christians and Jews are spiritual brothers. The Bible calls anti-Semitism a sin and says that anyone who blesses Israel and the Jewish people will be blessed and anyone who curses Israel and the Jewish people will be cursed.

CUFI believes these Biblical truths and we declare that we will stand with Israel and the Jewish people in this fight against anti-Semitism.

"Christians are at WAR with anti-Semitism"

"Christians are at WAR with anti-Semitism"Here is an excerpt from CUFI Founder, Pastor John Hagee, at today's #CUFI Washington Summit, explaining why Christians should stand against anti-Semitism."Anti-Semitism isn't a Jewish problem, it is everybody's problem"

Posted by Christians United for Israel – UK on Monday, 23 July 2018