Not for the first time in history, the nation of Israel is confronted with an evil attempt by its enemies to annihilate its existence and destroy the Jewish people’s peace and security. A sweeping darkness has turned many hearts and minds against God’s chosen nation, but this Hanukkah, we want to make it very clear to the Jewish community – tens of thousands of Christians across the United Kingdom, in every town and city of this nation, stand WITH YOU. The story of the miracle of Hanukah reminds us that darkness will not win; light WILL overcome. Miracles DO happen and Israel’s enemies WILL be humbled as Israel overcomes again.

Therefore, as Christians, we pray for the Lord’s blessing upon Israel; we pray against the forces of darkness, and for the protection of Jews around the world. We pray for miracles in the land of Israel like that we have not seen in this generation, miracles that bring joy, hope, healing and comfort to God’s people in the midst of this adversity; and we pray that as Christians, we will be part of the light that needs to so desperately shine in our nation.

We pray for the release of every Israeli hostage. We pray for the physical and emotional healing and recovery of the hostages already released. We pray for the families of those whose loved ones are still held captive. We pray for Israel’s safety and security, for the protection of the IDF and for the peace of Jerusalem. And we pray that Jews in Israel, the United Kingdom, and around the world, will have a safe and peaceful Hanukkah.