A new poll has found that 71% of the French public believes anti-Semitism is on the rise in France and that 70% think Jews should not hide their identity.

Last week in France there was debate on whether Jews should continue to wear a kippa (yarmulke or skullcap) after a Jewish man was attacked by a machete-wielding teen on the streets of Marseille.

Due to an increasing number of attacks against Jews, as well as the deadly ‘Hyper Cacher’ shooting in January last year, a survey was carried out by Odoxa on behalf of French digital channel iTele and Paris Match magazine.

While most surveys about anti-Semitism are conducted within the Jewish community, this survey questioned a broad spectrum of the French general public.  Their research provided the following results:

The French public overwhelmingly want the Jewish community to continue wearing their skullcaps. In fact, 70% of respondents said Jews should continue to wear the skullcap and not bow down to terrorism.

On top of this, 71% of the French public said that anti-Semitism was on the rise in France.

This only is this consistent with other statistics, but shows the French public are becoming more aware that anti-Semitism is on the increase in France. In recent weeks there have been some highly publicised anti-Semitic incidents that have shocked the country and drawn public attention to the plight of France’s Jewish community.

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