“The wicked have drawn the sword and have bent their bow, to cast down the poor and needy, to slay those who are of upright conduct. Their sword shall enter their own heart, and their bows shall be broken.” – Psalm 37:14-16

The blind hatred of Israel’s enemies leads to needless deaths, not only of Israelis, but also Palestinians. In this article we will highlight two needless Palestinian deaths caused by those claiming to be ‘liberating Palestine’ but who instead kill Palestinians.

Israel is fighting a war for its survival against an enemy that wants nothing more than to see the Jewish people wiped off the face of the earth. The greatest threat facing Israel is the Iranian regime and they showed themselves this week to care little for the Palestinians, who were the only victims in their attack against the Jewish state.

In 2024, Iran has launched two significant direct attacks on Israel. The first occurred in April, where Iran fired around 300 missiles and drones at Israeli targets. A 7-year-old Bedouin girl was seriously injured when shrapnel from an Iranian rocket smashed into her home. The second, larger assault happened on October 1, 2024, when Iran launched 181 ballistic missiles at Israel in a two-wave attack, marking the largest direct strike between the two countries this year.

Some people wrongly think Iran’s attacks are symbolic gestures. We have had people ask us why such a big deal is made of Iran’s attacks when they seemingly amount to nothing. The truth is Iran’s attacks are extremely aggressive. The regime was trying to murder as many Israelis and cause as much damage to Israel’s military and civilian infrastructure as possible. And if this attack occurred against another country in the region, it likely would have done much greater damage and many more deaths.

Thankfully, Israel is well equipped to counter such threats, but it cannot stop everything. The result was that no Israelis were killed, although millions were forced to seek shelter and there were multiple injuries. Sadly, two Palestinian civilians lost their lives.

The first was a Gazan man living in Jericho. He was walking down the street when a large fragment of an Iranian rocket which Israel had intercepted in the air, fell to the ground and crushed him, killing him instantly. This rocket was intended to kill Jews, but instead, it fell on a Palestinian man, a person this rocket was supposed to be ‘liberating’.

What are the odds that a Gazan man walking in Jericho would have an Iranian rocket land directly on him? Videos posted online show the incident and it is clearly a freak event. The 38-year-old victim would have never known what hit him. Meanwhile, Gazans were handing out sweet treats in Gaza as they celebrated Iran’s rockets raining down on Israel, unaware that the only victim was one of their own people.

The second Palestinian to be killed also took place during Palestinian celebrations of Iran’s attack against Israel. Ayham Ayan, a fifteen-year-old boy who hoped to have a career as a footballer, was killed when he attended a gathering in the streets of Tulkarm Camp, a Palestinian town in the north of the West Bank (Judea and Samaria). The people gathered were celebrating in support of Iran, and, as is the custom in many Middle Eastern cultures, one man shot his gun in the air to celebrate. Suddenly his gun exploded and killed Ayham who was standing nearby.

We know that the Bible says God will bless those who bless Israel and God will curse those who curse Israel, and it cannot be a coincidence that when the Iranians launch a major attack against Israel that they fail in their efforts and instead their weapons are turned against those they side with.

These are two more examples of how the blind hatred of Israel’s enemies does nothing of any good. Two civilians were needlessly killed because of blind hatred. They lost their lives because of the evil desire of Iran to wipe out Israel.

Sadly, Satan has deceived many in this world. As 2 Corinthians 4:4 states, there are those “whose minds the god of this age has blinded” and causes them to hate the things of God. Jesus describes Satan as the thief who comes to “steal, and to kill, and to destroy,” (John 10:20). Satan is behind the enemies attacks against Israel.

As Christians, we understand that our battle is not against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers. We must stand in prayer for Israel and the Jewish people, now and always. And pray for Israel’s enemies, that they will resist the Devil. May their eyes be opened to the truth and as the end of 2 Corinthians 4:4 states, so that “the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine on them.”