A decline in Christianity in Britain should be a concern to Jews, according to Jonathan Boyd, Executive Director of the Institute for Jewish Policy Research, and would have “huge implications to the country as a whole”.
Writing in an opinion piece for the Jewish Chronicle, Boyd addressed the anticipated census figures that are expected to show a decline in Christianity in Britain. He writes that new challenges to British and Jewish life are coming, forged by an evolving national context and a declining Christian population, and explains why the Jewish community should be concerned.
“A Britain in which Christians are outnumbered by non-Christians will be urged to ask itself numerous questions about its nature and identity. British traditions grounded in Christianity could well be challenged. Pressure to diminish Christian influence in public life could increase. Demands to reduce funding for Christian institutions could follow. And as this happens, Christians could feel increasingly at odds with their country — uncomfortable, even unwelcome, in their own home”
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