(JPost) Christians United for Israel congratulated Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on securing his fourth term in office, expressing hope that the Israeli leader and US President Barack Obama would have better relations during this term.
“The US- Israel relationship is central to the national security interests of both nations,” CUFI spokesman Ari Morgenstern told The Jerusalem Post on Wednesday. “Unfortunately, we do not believe President Obama has been a good steward of this alliance and in general has created a situation in which our enemies do not fear us and our friends do not trust us.”
Christians United for Israel has taken copious steps to support Israel’s security and its interests in the US government. Most recently they supported Netanyahu’s speech before Congress and have also called on their more than two million members to support the Corker-Menendez legislation that would help block Obama’s current deal with Iran regarding nuclear weapons.
“As Prime Minister Netanyahu begins his next term and President Obama concludes his final term, we hope the President will approach Israel as the friend and front line ally she is,” Morgenstern said.
Obama and the Israeli premier have experienced rocky relations over the years regarding disagreements on crucial issues such as the war in Gaza, the nuclear deal with Iran and settlements in the West Bank. Netanyahu spoke of these disagreements at AIPAC while in Washington earlier this month. “Israel and the United States will continue to stand together because America and Israel are more than friends. We’re like a family,” Netanyahu reassured the audience. “Our alliance is sound. Our friendship is strong. And with your efforts it will get even stronger in the years to come.”
CUFI, the largest pro-Israel group in the US, does not take political stances on Israeli politics, but they congratulated Netanyahu on his win, reiterating their support for the democratically-elected government of Israel. “Since its founding, Israel has treated all its citizens equally and welcomed Christian pilgrims,” Morgenstern said. “Israel’s attitude towards Christians and religious minorities in general will continue to be an example for the region and the world.”
Tuesday’s general “election should serve as a reminder to the world that the Jewish state is an open, democratic and vibrant society, where all citizens are free to speak, vote and worship as they see fit,” CUFI added in a statement following the conclusion of the elections. “CUFI has always and will always stand with the democratically-elected government of Israel.”
Source: Jerusalem Post