Standing under holy words etched in one of the country’s oldest and most historic synagogues, Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham found shared principles with members of the Charleston Jewish community.
“From the time I was a little boy until now, I’ve been told over and over again, ‘Lindsey, God blesses those who bless Israel,’” the Baptist lawmaker said.
“We do all we can to support Israel. Being that the senator is the most pro-Israel senator in Congress and we are his constituency, we thought it appropriate to host him this morning,” said Rabbi Moshe Davis of Brith Sholom Beth Israel Synagogue.
Graham reinforced his unwavering support for Israel at the synagogue during a time of uncertainty for the world’s Jewish communities.
“It’s very scary to see what’s happening in Europe with the rise of anti-Semitism and certainly in the Middle East with anti-Semitism brewing,” Davis said.
“We have to be aware this happened in the 1930s, it could happen again and for it not to happen again,” said Lynn Ross, who attended the event.
“I can only imagine what it’s like to have seen this movie once and feel like it may be repeating itself,” Graham said to several Holocaust survivors sitting in the audience.
He said the difference between the 1930s and now is that Israel exists.
“Whether you’re religious or not, it’s in our national security interest to stand up for Israel because they represent our values and the people who want to destroy them want to destroy us,” Graham said.
Graham said sanctions against Iran are necessary and warned the United Nations was becoming increasingly anti-Israel. His message resonated with Rabbi Davis, who said his congregation was honored to host him at such a crucial time in history.
Source: abcnews Charleston