Jewish homes in North London have had their windows smashed, by what appears to be a group of youths.

The incident caught on CCTV, occurred in Stamford Hill on Shabbat, the same day that an open-top bus drove through the same London borough blaring an anti-Jewish insult.


It follows a brutal attack on two Jewish men last week as they left their shop in Stamford Hill. The attack took place on the eve of Holocaust Memorial Day and hospitalised both men. An arrest was made.

Meanwhile, Shomrim, a local Jewish neighbourhood watch group, say gang members spat in the face of a five-year-old Jewish boy in Clapton Common, North London, on Sunday. The gang is accused of harassing Jewish residents for years.

Home Office statistics shows that an average of over three hate crimes are directed at Jews every single day in England and Wales, with Jews more than four times likelier to be targets of hate crimes than any other faith group, according to Campaign Against Antisemitism, which monitors anti-Jewish incidents in the UK.

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