Zvi Yehezkeli, Channel 13’s Arab affairs correspondent, warned that the US forces said that Iran is prepared to launch another provocative attack.
“US reports show that the Iranians are prepared for another provocative attack,” Yehezkeli told 103FM Radio. “The assumption that the more Iranians are worried about their home, the less likely they are to attack outsiders is mistaken. That’s why this meeting was held, and that’s the reason for the US pressure. The Iranians understand that their strength comes from provoking the West, that that’s where they build their strength and build their deterrence.”
“It’s clear that in the US, [US President Donald] Trump doesn’t want to be militarily involved with Iran. They prefer sanctions. But that is also provocative. Look at the maps of where Iran’s weapons are located, they’ve placed medium-range weapons in Iraq, they sent parts of advanced weapons to Yemen, they increased their presence in Syria, and it doesn’t stop. I think that the Israeli attacks or American shouts do not stop the Iranians. That’s the bottom line regarding what’s happening in the area right now.
When you talk about the Iranians preparing for more attacks, does that include possibly against us as well?
“Yes. Don’t forget that we’re still preparing. I will remind you that we still have a score to settle with them after their last attack in Syria, when they fired some missiles at Mount Hermon and Israel began a widescale attack. You think the Iranians forgot about that? That Qasem Soleimani fell asleep? No. There’s a saying that ‘revenge is best served cold,’ or very cold, if we’re talking about the Iranians.”
Meaning you think Israel should be preparing for that possibility?
“Yes, I think that Israel is already preparing for that possibility. You don’t need secret reports in order to see that the Americans’ behavior and the Israelis’ behavior says that the Iranians are working on a kind of provocative attack. I don’t know how strong it’ll be or where exactly it’ll be, but we’ve seen at lesat six of those kinds of attacks throughout this year.
“I’ll note the large attack on a Saudi oil field, as well as the downing of a US UAV and the suspicious sinking of ships in the Hormuz Straits. There are a lot of ways to provoke – with approval, without approval. But what we do need to understand is that the Iranians are working on it
“This week in The New York Times there was a horrific article about 100 protesters [in Iran] who hid in a sugar cane field and thought the Revolutionary Guards didn’t see them. They surrounded them quietly and murdered all of the 100 by shooting at them, until the families came and evacuated their bodies. That’s Iran today, and if you think that the protests there weakened it – exactly the opposite is happening. Note that the more Iran chokes from sanctions, the more it attacks the region. Note the huge rise in the number of attacks agaiinst Israeli, Arab, and US interests in the region.”
So Israel is preparing, or needs to prepare, for an Iranian attack.
“Certainly. Both the Israelis and the Americans are preparing for a kind of Iranian reaction, which will certainly come at some point in the future.”
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