MPs personal data, banks, local government branches and the Post Office were among targets of a “massive” cyber attack before Christmas, which is being blamed on Iran.

According to Sky News, the National Cyber Security Centre said it was “aware of a cyber incident affecting some UK organisations in late 2018” and that it was “working with victims and advising on mitigation measures”.

The Post Office and local government networks were both hit in coordinated attacks on 23 December. Private sector companies, including banks, were also compromised in what has been described as an “ongoing” campaign.

At the time, reports suggested around 10 MPs and peers’ mobile phone numbers had data from them compromised.

Thousands of employees had their details stolen, which included the Post Office chief executive Paula Vennels, the NCSC said.

Analysis by cyber security experts in California have concluded that a group connected to the Iranian Revolutionary Guard was responsible for this attack and the attack on the parliamentary network in 2017.


Vigilant to the threat of Iran

Over the past three years, CUFI UK has led the calls to ban Hezbollah in the UK. We have more recently launched Operation Mordecai which is CUFI UK’s strategic plan to highlight the threat from Iran to Israel and the West.

The on-going campaign involves a number of actions on wide-ranging issues relating to Iran, but its primary aim is to ensure Britain positions itself on the right side of history by defending Israel against the tyrannous Iranian regime.

Operation Mordecai takes inspiration from the Biblical account of Esther’s cousin, Mordecai, whom having heard of the plot to annihilate the Jews, sought the Lord, warned about what was planned and took action. Please see below for more details about this campaign and how you can get involved.

Christians United for Israel UK