Senior rabbis and Jewish politicians have warned of rising fears of antisemitism across Europe after the weekend’s terrorist attacks on a free-speech debate and a synagogue in Copenhagen.

As police investigated whether a 22-year-old Danish-born gunman they shot dead had acted alone in staging Denmark’s most lethal terrorist attack in decades, which killed a film director and a young Jewish man and left five police officers injured, the European Jewish Association called for increased security.

Rabbi Menachem Margolin, the association’s general director, said EU leaders had not done enough to combat antisemitic attacks and prejudices in the lead-up to the attacks on Saturday and in the early hours of Sunday, and pointed to a need to “secure all Jewish institutions 24/7”. Rabbi Barry Marcus, of the Central Synagogue in London, said the events of Copenhagen “were not a kind of abberation, there’s a pattern”.

Source: The Guardian