Baroness Jenny Tonge, one of Israel’s fiercest critics in the UK, has claimed on Facebook that she was “interrogated” on the Jewish current affairs channel, J-TV, and that she had been “caught in a trap… by a very nasty character who was determined to blacken my name and stop me saying anything meaningful.”
In the interview she found it difficult to name any books she had read on the Palestinian conflict and had trouble explaining why she feels it is the job of the pro-Israel “lobby” to disprove her allegations that it bribes UK politicians.
The Baroness, who was suspended and subsequently resigned from the Liberal Democrats in October 2016 after years of inflammatory statements on Israel, was interviewed for the J-TV YouTube channel.
Watch the shortened (18-minutes) version of the interview here:
There is also a full, unedited version (50 minutes) of the interview here: