A resolution which called for the inspection of Israeli nuclear sites has been defeated at the IAEA General Conference. Israel is claiming the result as a “great victory” in the international arena.
The resolution called for the international monitoring of the Israeli nuclear reactor in Dimona. Those against Israel claim that what Israel is developing there could pose “a permanent threat to peace and security in the region.” They also wanted the IAEA’s member states to express concern over Israel’s nuclear capabilities, and call on it to join the 1970 nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.
Those who opposed the resolution said it was another attempt to single out and delegitimise Israel.
In a move hailed by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as a “great” diplomatic victory, the resolution was defeated 61-43, with 33 abstentions.
The resolution was spearheaded by Egypt and backed by Turkey, Syria, Iran, Libya, and Iraq, as well as Russia, China and South Africa.
Netanyahu thanked the countries that supported Israel, “especially the US, Australia and Canada.” He also thanked the EU for voting as a single bloc against the resolution.
Israel has defeated similar measures in the past, including last year when 58 countries voted against the move, but the vote took on added significance this year since it came after the nuclear deal signed with Iran.
Prime Minister Netanyahu tweeted, “I welcome the fact that the gap in Israel’s favor was significantly larger than the votes in previous years.”
Israel worked hard in recent weeks to thwart the proposal, and Netanyahu said he has spoken directly with more than 30 presidents, prime ministers and foreign ministers about the matter.
“I explained that there was no place to hold a discussion of this kind as long as the main problem in the Middle East is Iran’s efforts to arm itself with nuclear weapons and its clear declarations regarding its intention to destroy the State of Israel,” Netanyahu said in a statement.