The UK’s recent record of standing with Israel at the United Nations has not been good enough. Britain’s voting has been inconsistent when defending Israel in the UN’s disproportionately high number of resolutions against Israel. Despite past promises to take a tougher line against the corrupt UN, there has been very little evidence of change. The UK has also failed to challenge the UN over its repetitive singling out of Israel whilst ignoring the many cases of human rights abuses elsewhere around the world.
For Britain to truly back Israel at the UN there has to be a change of the UK’s foreign policy together with the courage to take a bold stand. For example:
- It is unacceptable that the UN offends Jews and Christians around the world by officially referring to Jerusalem’s Jewish holy sites by their Muslim descriptions instead of their Hebrew names.
- It is unjustifiable that Israel is condemned by the world for legitimately defending itself, whilst the UN is completely silent as innocent Israeli civilians are targeted by rockets.
- It is a despicable obsession that Israel is called to give account for its defensive actions, whilst the UN turns a blind eye to the actions of Palestinian terrorists.
- It is a blatant double standard for the UN to give a platform and even leadership status to nation states known for human rights abuses, whilst demonising Israel for its ‘treatment of Palestinians’ but failing to recognise Israel’s efforts to make peace with her neighbours.
- It is inexcusable that Israel is condemned for asserting sovereignty over land that is legally theirs to possess, such as the Golan Heights and Judea and Samaria.
- It is intolerable that UN-funded schools should be using curriculum that promotes hatred towards Jews.
Britain should have no role in this absurdity.
These are just some of the areas we at CUFI believe should be challenged at the UN. However, we are deeply concerned that Britain continues to play its part in the biased and slanderous attitude towards Israel in the chambers of the UN.
The UK should instead lead by example.
We need to make our voices heard and pressure our government more than ever before. Will you stand with us? Please look out for opportunities in 2021 to get behind CUFI in calling for Britain to back Israel at the UN, starting with our first action next week. Details will be located on our dedicated UN resource page at
And please remember that your generous support through donating to CUFI helps us make an even greater impact.
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