Make a single donation

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(Please add “Ukraine Appeal” in the notes section)

Your support will make it possible for the most vulnerable in the Ukrainian Jewish community to find refuge in the State of Israel.

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Supporting CUFI enables us to:

• Confront anti-Semitism in the UK and Europe
• Develop resources that equip Christians in their support for Israel
• Counter anti-Israel narratives within the church
• Shape public opinion and government policy through our campaigns
• Defend Britain’s Judeo-Christian heritage
• Stand with the Jewish community in Britain
• Impact the next generation through training and resources for young Christian leaders
• Bless the nation of Israel through charitable projects

Thank you for standing with us. Thank you for standing with Israel.

Alternative ways to donate:

01793 862 210

9am-5pm, Mon-Fri

Return Standing Order Form

Click here to download Standing Order Form

Cheques payable to 'CUFI'

Send to PO Box 3837, Swindon, SN3 9DS

If you have any queries,
please email us at [email protected]