The head of Hezbollah says child marriage should be encouraged, according to Australia’s Herald Sun. It was good enough for Mohammed, Hassan Nasrallah says, and “those who spread the culture of opposition to early marriage in our society are unknowingly serving Satan”.
The address, supplied by MEMRI TV, urges Muslims to “spread it to the West”.
Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah slams 'morally-bankrupt' opponents of child marriage, urges Muslims to 'spread it to the West.'
— Josh Caplan (@joshdcaplan) July 13, 2017
Hezbollah, a Lebanese-based terrorist organisation is banned in many parts of the world, however its political wing, in contrast to its military wing, is not banned in the UK despite them being one and the same.
Full transcript:
“[They] are trying to spread – even in our own society – a culture of opposition to early marriage. There was a time when early marriage was accepted. Now there are people who say that early marriage is wrong, that early marriage has negative ramifications… Do these people know better than Allah, who created Mankind, and demanded this, through His prophets, culminating with the Prophet Muhammad? Do they know better than the Creator of Man whether or not early marriage serves the interests of Mankind? They may argue that there are cases of divorce following early marriage. But I can present you with more cases of divorce, following marriage at the age of 20, 30, or 40. This cannot serve as proof. This cannot serve as proof. On the contrary, those who spread the culture of opposition to early marriage in our society are unknowingly serving Satan and the devils. They are also serving our enemy by causing the moral ruin of our society. The response should be the spreading of the culture of early marriage.”