The United Nations head has this week has condemned Israel over alleged violations. He singled out Israel for the condemnation, refusing to mention Palestinian terror groups by name. This is totally wrong and UN head should hang his head in shame for his failure to hold the terrorists to account.
The comments came during a press conference on Thursday when UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres said he was “deeply disturbed” by news of the Jenin operation and “strongly condemns all acts of violence against civilians.”
He was later asked if this condemnation applies to both sides, but he answered, “It applies to all use of excessive force and obviously in this situation there was an excessive force used by Israeli forces.”
The assessment by Guterres does not line up with the facts on the ground. Israel was specifically targeting militants who were responsible for deadly attacks against Israeli civilians. These militants had embedded themselves in the Jenin camp and as such, Israel had to carry out a military operation to go into the camp and make arrests. The IDF was extremely careful to ensure that Palestinian civilians were protected, while the Palestinian terrorists used civilians as human shields and children as soldiers.
The facts on the ground speak for themselves. Israel killed 12 Palestinians, all of whom were armed combatants. Israel arrested over 100 terrorists. This was not an attempt to wipe out a population, it was a surgical operation to extract terrorists that are embedded inside a densely populated area.
Israel’s ambassador to the UN, Gilad Erdan, blasted Guterres’s statements as “shameful, farfetched, and completely detached from reality.”
“Time after time the UN Secretary-General disregards brutal Palestinian terror and neglects to condemn the cold-blooded murder of innocent civilians,” Erdan told The Times of Israel. “Yet when discussing defensive IDF actions aimed solely at dismantling terror infrastructure, the Secretary-General is quick to issue extensive condemnations of Israel, completely detached from the truth.”
Erdan demanded Guterres retract his comments and “condemn the Palestinian terrorism and incitement.”
The American Jewish Committee said it “strongly rejects” the comments.
“The facts speak for themselves: Responding to a wave of terror attacks directed from Jenin and in the midst of a densely populated area, Israel successfully completed its mission — seizing hundreds of explosive devices, shuttering weapons labs, neutralizing 12 terrorists in firefights,” the American Jewish Committee said.
The head of the United Nations needs to get his act together. Just recently he praised Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad for their involvement in a report on the protection of children. These same groups murder Israeli children while using Palestinian children as soldiers.
The United Nations states that it is a war crime and a human rights violation to target civilians in terror and to use children as soldiers. Both of these offenses the terrorists have done with impunity. The United Nations is its obligations of protecting human rights and upholding international law. The UN head appears to be part of this problem.
This year, we want to do more to bless Israel and the Jewish people.
We know that as we bless Israel this year, God will bless us, just as He promised in Genesis 12:3, “I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you.” Now is the time to bless Israel and the Jewish people.
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