About Us
At CUFI we know that uniting in prayer and worship is a powerful weapon against the enemy of God and His people, both Jews and Christians and ultimately mankind.
CUFI Prayer is the prayer network for Christians United For Israel UK, a national association through which every pro-Israel church, ministry, or individual can speak and act with one voice. The purpose of CUFI Prayer Network is to build a network across Britain of intercessors who will pray regularly for Israel, the Church and our Nation either in a group or as individuals at home, church, work or anywhere that is conducive to worshipful prayer.
Please see a list of key prayer points below to use as a guide. Prayer Alerts via Facebook and e-mail and a Weekly Prayer Update based on the week’s news and issues will be made available through CUFI-UK. Pray and praise as the Spirit leads in these matters and let’s see a dramatic change for the Kingdom of God!
At CUFI we know that uniting in prayer and worship is a powerful weapon against the enemy of God and His people, both Jews and Christians and ultimately mankind.
CUFI Prayer is the prayer network for Christians United For Israel UK, a national association through which every pro-Israel church, ministry, or individual can speak and act with one voice. The purpose of CUFI Prayer Network is to build a network across Britain of intercessors who will pray regularly for Israel, the Church and our Nation either in a group or as individuals at home, church, work or anywhere that is conducive to worshipful prayer.
Please see a list of key prayer points below to use as a guide. Prayer Alerts via Facebook and e-mail and a Weekly Prayer Update based on the week’s news and issues will be made available through CUFI –UK. Pray and praise as the Spirit leads in these matters and let’s see a dramatic change for the Kingdom of God!
Key Prayer Points:
God bless you as you pray.